Monday, March 7, 2011

The Greatest Love

Today I came across a booked entitled The Greatest Love by none other than Mother Teresa. I felt pulled to the testament of Mother Teresa's lifestyle- how she poured out all she was into serving the poor and unloved. I was sure there would be pearls of wisdom in her reflections, and I wasn't wrong. The book is infused with her deep love for God and her complete surrender to His love and will, and brought me to tears because of how real her words made the love of God. Here is a woman who really grasped intimacy with Christ, and the secret of abiding in Him. And boy was it a challenging and motivating read! She really hits home the call that we all have to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world, and to enter into the suffering of others with great love. It made me even more so desire a deeper relationship with Christ, and to be able to serve God quietly in even the most menial tasks and even in the most disgusting or dangerous of situations.  I haven't finished reading it, but what I have read so far has been really powerful. I will post some of the quotes that really resonated with me, but I encourage you guys to read this book! It may be written from someone of a different denominational background, but her love for God is authentic and powerful. Actually, if you want to read it- let me know and you may borrow it:) Although I plan on taking it with me on my mission trip-to keep my heart focused on Christ. But after that, (and after my sister reads it...) I will be more than happy to lend it to you!

Here are the quotes:

Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of Himself. 

If we want to be able to love, we must be able to pray!

Our prayers should be burning words coming forth from the furnace of hearts filled with love.

Let it [your heart] have a firm determination never to commit any fault deliberately and knowingly or, if it should fail, to be humbled and to rise up again at once- and such a heart will pray continually. 

You acquire humility only by accepting humiliations. The greatest humiliation is to know that you are nothing. This you come to know when you face God in prayer. 

In the silence of the heart God speaks. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. 

Both humility and prayer grow from an ear, mind, and tongue that have lived in silence with God, for in the silence of the heart God speaks. 

The knowledge of our sin helps us to rise. 


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